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Lauren Keiser Music Publishing - cliquez pour agrandir l'image
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Sigle LaurenKeiser
Organisme ou institution Lauren Keiser Music Publishing
Nom 2 LKMP
Etat / province Missouri (MO)
Pays USA (us)
Information supplémentaire Lauren Keiser Music Publishing was founded on October 31, 2008. With offices in St. Louis, San Antonio, and the metro New York area, the company has grown considerably following the acquisition of the Southern Music Company of San Antonio, Texas, in June 2012.
Veteran music publisher, Lauren Keiser started Lauren Keiser Music Publishing (ASCAP) and Keiser Classical (BMI) from the purchase of MMB Music's assets of St. Louis and is joining it with new deals and editions he is creating and developing.
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Recommandations :
Max und Moritz - Das neue Kindermusical, Buch und CD - cliquer ici

Requiem von Julius Fucik, arr. Eduard Scherzer - cliquer ici
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