Éditeur de musique Kliment
Kolingasse 15, 1090 Vienne, Autriche, Tél. +43 1 317 5147, Fax +43 1 310 0827
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Éditeur Donautal
Éditeur Franz Moser
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Éditeurs de musiqueÉditeurs de musique
Sigle EvetteSchaeffer
Organisme ou institution Evette & Schaeffer
Pays France (fr)
Information supplémentaire Instrument maker and publisher founded by Paul Evette and Ernest Schaeffer in January of 1885, after their purchase of the instrument maker Buffet-Crampon from Pierre Goumas. The publishing concern may have been part of the purchase, as Goumas had been publishing band music under his own name (as "P. Goumas et Cie.") since 1875. The company was dissolved in 1929 with the retirement of Evette's son Maurice. The majority of the catalog revolves around wind instruments.
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Rolly Polly Playing Time - cliquer ici

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