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APC - Arrangers' Publishing Company - cliquez pour agrandir l'image
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Sigle Arrangers
Organisme ou institution APC - Arrangers' Publishing Company
Etat / province Tennessee (TN)
Pays USA (us)
Éditeur de livraison Hal Leonard Publishing
Information supplémentaire In 1985 Arrangers' Publishing Company was born to answer the need for a fresh, new, fun approach to marching band music. The focus has always been on the effectiveness of the arrangement, showcasing diverse and sometimes unlikely material. APC has always been committed to full-length, exemplary recordings - to sell music, of course, but equally - to aid in teaching, interpretation, and inspiration.

In 1992 the first concert band literature appeared, again as a response to the needs and requests of band directors. Realistic low-cost drill design, presented in a uniquely workable format, soon became another popular item.

APC continues to produce music that directors and students will "live to play."
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Recommandations :
Ritter Rudis Raubzüge - cliquer ici

Heurigenbrüder von Julius Fucik, arr. Stefan Ebner - cliquer ici
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